Dismissal Policy
School Closings will be officially announced on KYW-1060AM and the School District of Philadelphia’s website: www.philasd.org. The announcement will state that “All Philadelphia Public Schools are closed or are dismissing at …….” A specific school will be named only in the event that there is a problem at that school.
The classes will wait to hear their floor announced for dismissal. The 3rd floor dismisses at 3:00pm, followed by the 2nd floor dismissing at 3:05 p.m., ending with the 1st floor at 3:09 p.m. The teacher will escort classes into the schoolyard for dismissal. The older siblings will pick up and sign out the younger siblings in the yard. Parents of grades 3-5 will sign out their children with the homeroom teacher from the yard or the gym. All Parent(s) and Caregivers are expected to pick up their child promptly at 3:09 p.m. K-2 parents/guardians are expected to sign their child out with the homeroom teacher from the lunchroom. Please make arrangements to pick up your child on time.
All students are expected to attend school for the entire day. When students leave early, they miss vital information that is necessary for their academic success. When it is absolutely necessary to pick up a child due to medical reasons, students must be officially signed out from the Main Office. Please consider the following reminders for Early Dismissals:
Students may not be picked up from their classrooms. The Secretary will contact the classroom teacher informing them of the dismissal.
Telephone calls for early dismissals cannot be honored.
Students who leave school early must be signed out in the Early Dismissal Log Book located in the Main Office.