Parent Information

Title I: A Parent’s Right to Know

As a parent of a student attending a Title I school within the School District of Philadelphia, you have the right to know the qualifications of any teachers and paraprofessionals that provide instruction to your child. You also have the right to be informed about your child’s progress in school. Click on the links below to read the Right To Know letters that were sent home.

Right To Know Letter (English)

Right To Know Letter (Spanish)


Parents and caregivers play a vital role in the education of their children.  You are encouraged to participate in all school activities, workshops, conferences, and events that take place at Howe. We ask that you also support us in working with your child in the following areas:

Attendance – Send your child to school daily and on time

Set High Expectations – Encourage your child to try hard and do their best in school

Discipline – Encourage your child to practice self control and follow the School District of Philadelphia’s Code of Conduct and the school-wide expectations for Julia Ward Howe

Stay Informed – Frequently inquire about your child’s progress by regularly communicating with your child’s teacher, responding to written communications sent home, and attending parent conferences

Emphasize Reading: Promote reading as a daily practice at home for at least 15 – 20 minutes

Ensure Accuracy of Contact Information –  Be sure to inform the school when there is a change in your child’s address or telephone number.


Fall Title 1 Meeting Agenda – September 12, 2023